March 12, 2013

Fight The Bad Feeling ^_^

Assalamualaikum dear jiran jannah ? How's life ? May Allah gives the best ~

Well , i don't know why..tiba2, life rasa macam miserable . Works jadi tunggang langgang . Semangat untuk bantu perjuangan itu semakin luntur . Why ? Why ? Why ? I keep asking myself .

"Dear Nafsi , what happen to you?"

'I'm not well. I'm not in myself right now'

"Dear Nafsi , keep strong ! Fight the Bad Feeling please . For Allah's sake . Strive to get the best for yourself"

'I'm trying hard . Dear Iman , pray for me . Asks Allah to give me some strength to overcome all circumstances , through high or hell water'

"Dear Nafsi , i always pray for the best . For you . Because i'm inside you , I'm your soul . I want the best for you . I want , we , together meet HIM in Jannah soon . Forever happiness . Forever blessings . Eternal life in there . I will always support you , to find the best in you, Insha Allah"

'Iman , let's fight together . Best soul till Jannah , will you ?'

"Sure do . For Allah's sake."

Yeah , SELF-REFLECT time . It's important when those hard times come to your life.

Please , keep MOVING ON . Please , keep BELIEVENG HIM . Please , trust your soul , your IMAN.

Please realize that , everything's happen for a reason . 


Same goes to the person who enters your life ..

 Allah puts people in your life for a reason and removes them from your life for a better reason ^_^

Yup , berbaik sangka pada DIA . Berbaik sangka ain't a crime , right ?

Maaf kawan . I need some times to recover myself . I'm sorry to keep you wondering , why i acting like 'ghost' , not myself mode. About our project , I hope after a break , maybe it takes one week , we can discuss about them.

Well , i suppose to make a move now . Self reflect is must in our life . Everyday . It's for our goodness , right .

For our future steps to Jannah . For our future lifes . 

Homework must be DONE . Don't let the down feeling , stop yourself . So , Kuatkanlah diri untuk melangkah !

Chaiyo ! Chaiyo ! Chaiyo !

Till here . It suppose to be a good self-reflect . Maybe one day , when i totally down , I hope when i read this entry , it will make myself shine , rise up like a SuperGirl in Solehah ways ^_^

*Fuh , berabuk speaking . Grammar pun main hentam saja ^_^ Nak tunggu me speaking Arab ? Tunggu amik course Arab or living in negara Arab or kawen dengan orang Arab or BM dengan orang yang ajar Arabic*

*Terlebih pulak = ="

Thanx for reading ! Have a strong heart n Iman !


Wassalam ~

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